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#    Discrete samples of PCPN
#    Ocean Microbial Ecology Laboratory
#    Ricardo Letelier
#    2010
#    original file: BIGRAPA_ELEMENTS_Post.xlsx
#    date ingested into BCO-DMO: January 9, 2012
date      lat       lon       sta       cast      
20101127  -22.261   -82.3479  3         25        
bot       depth     TPN       TPC       C_to_N    activity_and_comments  
17        12        0.44      3.99      9.07      nd                     
14        23        0.46      3.30      7.18      nd                     
11        32        0.42      2.82      6.70      nd                     
8         45        0.48      3.14      6.59      nd                     
5         60        0.52      3.71      7.18      nd                     
2         80        0.35      3.15      9.03      nd                     
date      lat       lon       sta       cast      
20101127  -22.261   -82.3479  3         26        
bot       depth     TPN       TPC       C_to_N    activity_and_comments  
13        340       0.09      0.83      9.02      nd                     
7         750       0.13      1.29      10.27     nd                     
nd        nd        0.07      0.70      10.22     Best guess is that PCPN was measured from bottle 10 at 500 m  
1         1000      0.08      0.85      10.80     nd